A delicious walnut and cranberry cake decorated like a festive Christmas wreath. This pie has a crunchy walnut crust and a sweet and tangy cranberry...
The most fragrant chocolate panettone cupcakes made according to the traditional Italian recipe. These mini panettones are incredibly light, soft and delicious. Covered in Baileys...
What is Babka? Babka is a traditional Eastern European Jewish sweet bread, typically filled with chocolate or cinnamon. In Romania we call it “cozonac” and...
A decadent twist on a French classic, this mulled wine crème brulee is silky, rich and delicious. Made with gingerbread cookie crust, creamy, silky-smooth mulled...
Summary of ingredients This recipe has a few larger elements: vanilla cake, no-bake strawberry cheesecake, cream cheese frosting, and crunchy crumble. It’s easier to think...