Baklava is a traditional and authentic Turkish desert. It is prepared especially during religious holidays to serve guests. 1 pound phyllo dough, thawed250g butter, melted1...
This custard recipe combines the richness of traditional custard with the sweet and tangy flavor of strawberries. This delicious blend is testament to the simple...
Discover the secrets of the Ikaria diet, a unique, health-focused nutritional approach inspired by the inhabitants of the island of Ikaria! And in particular, learn...
Creamy Chicken with Dijon Mustard Preparation time: 10 minutes Time to cook: 20 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Portions: 4 Quick and easy chicken in...
This recipe for pork souvlaki with barbecue sauce, grilled lemons and tzatziki is truly delicious. I used boneless pork chops, peppers, onions, and barbecue sauce...
Azorean Octopus Rice Recipe, receita de arroz de polvo Acoreano), a tasty Portuguese dish made with tender octopus, olive oil, rice, onion and garlic....
This Strawberry Chocolate Cake combines rich chocolate cake with the natural sweetness of ripe strawberries! It’s easy to make from scratch and is the perfect...