Azorean Octopus Rice Recipe, receita de arroz de polvo Acoreano), a tasty Portuguese dish made with tender octopus, olive oil, rice, onion and garlic....
Pineapple Coconut Cake Recipe (receita de bolo de ananás e coco), a delicious cake infused with pineapple flavor, topped with shredded coconut for a tropical...
How to prepare roasted chestnuts in a pan, a delicious delight, especially appreciated during the autumn and winter seasons. How to cook Portuguese mussels, this...
Braga is a city of great beauty and rich heritage, which combines tradition with innovation, memory with youth, creativity with conservatism. This papas (Portuguese porridge)...
Hot green (pronounced [ˈkaɫdu ˈveɾðɨ]Portuguese for Here is a list of the top 10 most popular pork recipes on Chris from Don’t Go Bacon...
This Portuguese-style pizza with linguiça, São Jorge cheese and bolo do caco dough is delicious. In this video, Nancy shows you how to make delicious...