HI! Today we come to tell you stories about our cultivation.
It turns out that in our cultivation in Llanos de Cuivá we have a neighbor 15 meters away. It is a small wetland that we discovered when we began to explore the land to look for greenhouses for our organic production.
It is not rated with any type of vulnerability or protection. But, since we believe in sustainability and practice organic farming with a conscience, we want to tell you what we do to conserve wetlands; fundamental resource for many forms of life.
Here we are:
- We do not use chemically synthetic pesticides, pesticides or fertilizers that could affect the ecosystem.
- We do not extract, drain or redirect wetland flow to protect this source.
- We have living barriers in low-cut plants.
- We carry out timely preventative and corrective maintenance on our equipment to reduce any risk of spills.
We hope that one day you will be able to visit us to learn about this and other practices we use in our cultivation.
A hug from the Colombian countryside,
The Frutteto family