Azorean Octopus Rice Recipe, receita de arroz de polvo Acoreano), a tasty Portuguese dish made with tender octopus, olive oil, rice, onion and garlic....
This Strawberry Chocolate Cake combines rich chocolate cake with the natural sweetness of ripe strawberries! It’s easy to make from scratch and is the perfect...
Pineapple Coconut Cake Recipe (receita de bolo de ananás e coco), a delicious cake infused with pineapple flavor, topped with shredded coconut for a tropical...
The concept of using peanuts, especially walnuts, to thicken a sauce is rooted in some of Greece’s regional Lenten traditions. It was a brilliant way...
How to prepare roasted chestnuts in a pan, a delicious delight, especially appreciated during the autumn and winter seasons. How to cook Portuguese mussels, this...
Horiatiki Salad, also known as Greek Salad or Village Salad, combines the freshest ingredients such as seasonal tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, red onions, tangy Kalamata...