
If you are part of the “stroganofflovers” team, this is the post you will never forget! Because here we will talk about the recipes that have already appeared here for this wonderful dish which, if ever it was Russian, is now undoubtedly “Brazilian National Heritage”.

So, if you love an easy, tasty and universally liked recipe, Stroganoff is for you! And let’s review the types of stroganoff that have already taken place here in Panela, which can always solve your life.

Shrimp Stroganoff

Let’s start with the fabulous Shrimp Stroganoff, which is many people’s favorite. Because it is a recipe that combines two delicacies that everyone likes, strogo and prawns. This is a great choice on a hot day or an evening when we want something different to go with a good wine.

This particular recipe is very simple and anyone can make it, just be very careful not to overcook the prawns, so let’s move on to the “magic”!
Shrimp Stroganoff

Chicken Stroganoff

If you like something lighter but with a lot of flavor, you will definitely choose this fantastic surprise: Chicken Stroganfe! I can tell you that this version still has the speed advantage. So if you need a quick dish because an unexpected guest has arrived and you want to show off your improvisation skills, this dish is ideal.
Chicken Stroganoff

Chicken Strogo Fit version

Now, if you are looking for a recipe that combines taste and practicality and that can satisfy adults and children with a lighter recipe, take a look at this post by Fit Stroganoff and you will fall in love with it!

Beef stroganoff

We have arrived at the classic that everyone thinks of when talking about Stroganoff!

If you have any fond memories of this dish, know that you are not alone and that a beautiful Brazilian-style beef stroganoff is many people’s favorite dish. So let’s delve deeper into the various ways to make this wonder of Brazilian cuisine!

And yes, we evolved the dish, so now it’s ours!
Beef Stroganoff

More ideas for stroganoff lovers

If you want to know the history of Stroganoff, I’ve obviously already researched it! Even if this kind of thing is told from different points of view, there is always a kernel of truth. So, before preparing the food, prepare the conversation by knowing where this delicacy comes from and its basic recipe.

Beef Straganoff

Ah, you don’t think I would have given up on a Russian recipe, do you? I made it so that you can enchant your lover with your skills, right? So get this version of our Strogo called Beef Straganov which is very different but really wonderful, I even made one clean video so you don’t do anything wrong!

I hope this post helped Stroganoff Lovers to find the best recipe and bring many good ideas for this wonderful dish that everyone loves, so if you liked it, leave your comment, if you do and publish it, tag me on social media and if I you sent a special recipe!

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